Jamie’s Paper Train
Author(s): Jack Noble / Brandon Lloyd / Joel Shemrock
Producer: Glenn Brown
This movie is in competition for: INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILMS COMPETITION
Title: Jamie’s Paper Train
Title Eng: Jamie’s Paper Train
Country: Canada
Production date: 06-2018
Duration: 7:40 minutes
First work ? : NO
Subtitles: None / Nessuno
Technique used: 2D/ 3D Animation
Film Synopsis ITA:
Jamie’s Paper Train è un cortometraggio pluripremiato che tira le corde del cuore di tutti noi. Ispirato alla storia della vita reale di un ragazzo con autismo, Jamie’s Paper Train è una metafora visiva delle sfide che devono affrontare le persone colpite da questa condizione.
Film Synopsis EN:
Jamie’s Paper Train is an award-winning short film that tugs on the heartstrings of all of us. Inspired by the real life story of a young boy with autism, Jamie’s Paper Train is a visual metaphor for the challenges that face those affected by the condition.
Production: PIP Animation Studios
Biography: Brandon has been working in the animation industry for nearly 20 years and has had the opportunity to work on many
diverse projects ranging from features to television series including several web-based animations and independent
shorts. He has been at PIP since 2005 and has been key in the visual development of numerous productions and is also
regularly involved in recruiting and mentoring many emerging artists. After graduating with honours from Algonquin
College\’s Animation program in 2000, Joel began his long career in the animation industry. After working for several
other Ottawa based studios, he joined PIP in 2005 as a digital animator on Caillou as part of the team that moved this
traditional show into a digital form.
Filmography: Jamie\’s Paper Train – 2018 Best Shorts Competition – Winner – Award of Merit, Autism Film Festival – Winner Best Short
Film, Mumbai Shorts Internaitional Film Festival – Best Music, Mumbai Shorts Internaitional Film Festival – Official
Selection, Short to the Point – Official Selection, Cartoons On The Bay – Competition Award, Athens Animfest – Official