My Generation
Author(s): Ludovic Houplain
Producer: Maxime Vandenabeele / Federico Matarazzo
This movie is in competition for: INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILMS COMPETITION
Title: My Generation
Title Eng: My Generation
Country: France
Production date: 10-2018
Duration: 08:04
First work: NO
Subtitles: None / Nessuno
Technique used: 2D computing, 3D computing, Drawing
Film Synopsis:
E se posassimo gli smartphone e aprissimo gli occhi? Questo è ciò che suggerisce il cortometraggio My Generation: uno scatto itinerante di 8 minuti in cui attraversiamo mondi diversi; arte contemporanea, GAFA, sport, religioni, pornografia, politica, finanza, mucche sacre, sorveglianza generalizzata, tutti gli oppio della gente.
Film Synopsis EN:
What if we put down our smartphones and opened our eyes wide shut? This is what suggests the short film My Generation: An 8 minute travelling shot where we go through different worlds; contemporary art, GAFA, sports, religions, pornography, politics, finance, sacred cows, generalized surveillance, all opiums of the people.
Production: H5
Biography: Son and grandson of industrial designers, Ludovic Houplain grew up with his head in comics. In 1993 he sets up H5
creative studio. Grandson of the Pop Art, he deepens Warhol’s dynamics by drawing a new vocabulary from the
communication approach itself, rather than ordinary mass consumer goods. He analyses communication tools and mass
media with his own artistic approach. My Generation is the final chapter of the trilogy Logorama – Money Time – My
Generation. As part of an artistic collaboration with Mirwaïs, this apocalyptic and hypnotic road movie materializes and
represents the ensemble of digital streams we constantly deal with. A flux that we believe to master, while it perpetually
Filmography: H5: animation short film My Generation, 2018 – Jury distinction for social significance at Annecy Film Festival, 2019 H5:
animation short film Money Time, 2016 Adidas: film Yeezy 350 / Yeezy 750 / Yeezy Boost, 2015 – 2016 Lux scène
nationale de Valence: film Lux 2.0, 2015 Citroën: film Feel Good, 2014 Lacoste: TV commercial Lacoste L!ve, 2014
Mercedes-Benz: TV commercial Étoiles, 2012 H5: animation short film Logorama, 2010 – César for best short film, 2009 –
Academy Award for best animation short film, 2010 Volkswagen: TV commercial Touran Train Fantôme, 2007 Massive
Attack: video clip Special Cases, 2003 Royksöpp: video clip Remind me, 2002 – MTV Award Best European Music Video,
Club des DA. 1st Prize Video Clip Air: video clip How Does It Make You Feel, 2001 Alex Gopher: video clip The Child,
2000 – Club des DA. 1st Prize Video Clip